Sunday, March 24, 2013

Katie's Recs: Pop Culture Poms

By: Katie O'Leary, Visual Media Director

By now, everyone in ACRN knows I’m obsessed with all things four-legged and fuzzy. Because of this, I’ve decided to focus on my addiction for this week’s Exec Recs.

When it comes to Pomeranians, I’m a big softy. Those fluffy bodies and silly grins always get me. There are a number of these wholesome critters that have become Internet famous lately, especially in the mainstream media. It’s safe to say they’re more popular than human super stars.

1. Boo the Dog

In my opinion, Boo started it all. Known as “The World’s Cutest Dog,” he has his own book, makes appearances on the Today Show and has over six million followers on Facebook.

His fame started with a few home videos uploaded to YouTube. In most of the videos, he just sat there. He won the hearts of millions with his silly, short haircut. No special tricks or talents--just a fluffy head and a pajama-like body.

At the age of 7, Boo is living the high life. He gets flown out on locations and even works with different charities to help children’s hospitals. He also has a best friend named Buddy. They do everything together.

His owner was kept secret until an Internet rumor began that Boo died. The Wall Street Journal investigated the scandal and discovered Boo’s owner is Irene Ahn, a finance executive at Facebook. Now, many speculate Boo may have been a ploy by Facebook to get some attention. Whether this is true or not, Boo continues to warm the hearts of millions and brighten our days with his silly head.

2. Gigolo a.k.a. Giggy

Giggy is the most flamboyant Pomeranian in Hollywood. His owner, Lisa Vanderpump, is one of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. She also has her own show called Vanderpump Rules and is currently a dancer on Dancing with the Stars. Though she is always in the spotlight, Giggy never leaves her side.

He is always dressed up in the latest fashions. This dog has more clothes than I will ever hope to acquire. From suits to PJs, he has it all. I’m not positive about this, but I’m almost certain everything they put him in is designer.

The most hilarious quirk about Giggy is that he always looks sedated. Camera crews will be interviewing Lisa and Giggy will just be lying there, eyes half opened. I’m not sure I’ve ever even seen him walk on his own. He’s always being carried.

Also, since he’s constantly being dressed up, his fluffy fur will stick out of his clothing awkwardly. You can’t feel too bad for him, though--he has more celebrity friends than any dog could hope for. Now that’s one classy pooch.

3. Toothless Tippy

The past two Pomeranians I’ve mentioned are loved for their dashing good looks. Tippy, however, is slightly less-fortunate looking. She has no teeth and her tongue constantly lolls out of her mouth. It’s okay, though. I like to think of her as charming.

When Tippy was a puppy, she was abandoned at the Humane Society. Her owner rescued her and she’s been Instagram famous ever since. If you’re looking for a pick-me-up every once in a while, follow @toothlesstippy. She’ll definitely put a smile on your face. 

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