Sunday, March 24, 2013

Jacob's Recs: Spotify Discoveries

By: Jacob Bowman, Visual Media Director

I joined the world of Spotify recently, and I have to say I’m thoroughly enjoying it. The relationship was love-hate at first as I found myself with an abundance of free music, as well as 30-second commercials trying to convince me to get the Spotify Mobile App. Well listen here, Spotify, I’ll respect you much more once you stop rubbing it in my face that my phone, in fact, can not host applications, therefore your mobile services are of no use to me, you self-promoting bastards.

Aside from that, Spotify has taken me on a musical vacation of sorts. I found myself in a music rut at the beginning of this year, and as much as I love to listen to Arcade Fire and Beach House on repeat, the times were a-changing. 
My ears needed sustenance and Spotify began to spoon-feed them. Thus, I will spoon-feed you my past week’s starred tracks on Spotify with hopes that any rut you may be finding yourself in is eliminated in the same fashion.
In Alphabetical Order:
1. Bombay Bicycle Club – “Lights Out, Words Gone”
When looking further into this band, you’ll find most of its songs are mostly just noise. It’s depressing. It hurts to find a band that can make a song as good as this only to later find out that there is a reason you haven’t heard of them. Regardless, this song is quite wonderful. It has a pop feel that reminds you of a beach in the best way possible. This upbeat track will be sure to eliminate the woes of spring bringing in blizzards.

2. Cut Copy – “Need You Now”

The beginning of this track reminds me of an epic written by James Murphy. Cut Copy works its way into this track with a minute and a half intro that leads to a song that plays more like an anthem than anything else. Dan Whitford’s voice is comparable to that of Matt Berninger’s (The National), and the band actually sounds like The National joining the world of pop.

3. Other Lives – “For 12”

This music is just haunting and wonderful. Other Lives is host to instrumentation comparable to Arcade Fire and is nothing but relaxing to listen to. Just sit back and let the strings carry you through this track from start to finish.

4. Pepper Rabbit – “Lake House”

What can I say about this band? I’m genuinely excited that Pepper Rabbit has joined my life this week. “Lake House” has been on repeat in my noggin and when looking into the rest of this album (Red Velvet Snowball), it’s clear that the album may be on repeat for most of my week. Check these guys out!

5. Surfer Blood – “Floating Vibes”

Here is something that has been a struggle for me to come to terms with. I used to despise Surfer Blood’s debut album. Initially, it was clear they knew how to write music, but the album didn’t necessarily display that they were capable of playing music. This is the opening track from Astro Coast and it is quite literally fantastic.  Still not the biggest fan of the rest of their album, but I definitely have June 11th marked on my calendar as I wait for their next release.

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