Saturday, March 23, 2013

Carolyn's Recs: Guilty Pleasures I Don't Feel Guilty About

By: Carolyn Menyes, Traffic Director

I’ve always taken issue with the phrase “guilty pleasure.” If I like something, why should I be ashamed? I shouldn’t be. However, since I tend to identify myself within the indie rock genre, there are outliers that I really enjoy and that may surprise people. So, it’s time to let my embarrassing flag fly and make a list of the stuff I love that may not be deemed “cool” by the indie kids.

I love this chick, straight up. I find Katy Perry’s music to be genuinely fun pop, and there’s nothing better to rock out to when I want to pep up my mood. Her movie, Katy Perry: Part of Me, was the only feature film I saw last summer, and the blend of live performances, documentary footage and colors made for a fun-filled experience. And the song “Wide Awake” was a heartfelt effort that perfectly summed up the breakup experience for not only Perry, but for millions of fans worldwide. And check out the video, it’s a real piece of art.

I saw 30STM my sophomore year of college, half as a joke to see Jordan Catalano sing and half as an excuse to see a good friend of mine at Kent State. What started off as something to get kicks turned into a genuine love for me. 30 Seconds to Mars and their music has really helped me through some tough times in my personal life in the last few years, and everyone needs a band that can help them feel from time to time. So, while they may not be conventionally cool, I’m proud to consider myself a fan.

3. "Want U Back" by Cher Lloyd
UHH! I definitely recognize this song is bad--it’s bratty, it’s got an annoying little vocal and it’s got that weird helicopter thing at the end. However, I think this song is catchy as all get out, and I’m a sucker for a killer hook (which this song definitely has). While many may lament the immature reaction the scorned Lloyd feels in this song, I think every old girlfriend has felt this. “Want U Back” is relatable, whether or not you want to admit it. Plus, this song really annoys my significant other, and I think that’s just funny.

4. "Boyfriend" by Justin Bieber
Hate on this little dude all you want, but I think the Biebz is a genuine talent. He fulfills that void in teenage girls’ hearts that Aaron Carter left all those years ago. As he’s gotten older, he’s molded himself into a more mature pop star, and has been quite successful at it. Swaggy.

5. My Little Pony songs
This one may be the most conventionally embarrassing. However, every Saturday morning in the winter, Lord knows I looked forward to watching MLP and seeing what new songs Daniel Ingram had in store. There’s nothing else to say… these songs are catchy, innocent and cute. Just listen to “Winter Wrap Up” and tell me it’s not stuck in your head. This season’s “Babs Seed” was another musical highlight. Plus, look how cute these little fillies are! Adorbz.

And there goes my indie cred, if I ever even had any to begin with.

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