Sunday, October 28, 2012

Katie's Recs: American Horror Story

By: Katie O'Leary, Visual Media Director

In case anyone doesn’t know, I am obsessed with American Horror Story. I enjoy things that freak me out and blow my mind. American Horror Story is the definition of mind-blowing.

This season’s episodes revolve around an insane asylum in 1964. The patients’ minds are as corrupt as their caretakers’ methods of rehabilitation. Well, at least most of the patients are insane. A few slip through the cracks and end up in an earthly hell.

As a part of creators Brad Falchuck and Ryan Murphy’s horror anthology, American Horror Story has some returning characters from Season One. Their personalities and characters have changed completely. It’s an interesting experiment and it will be an imaginative way to continue the show.

One of Season One’s favorite characters, nosy neighbor Constance Langdon, is back to cause more trouble. In this season, actress Jessica Lange plays the head nun at the Briarcliff Manor (a.k.a. the insane asylum), Sister Jude. Let’s just say her character doesn’t take shit. This is one nun who does not hesitate to manipulate, use whips to punish and lock up innocent lesbians. 

It’s been hinted in the first two episodes that Sister Jude has not had one of the most holy pasts. So far, it looks like her troubled past will come back into play and the complexities of her character will only expand during this season of American Horror Story.

The hottie-heartthrob of American Horror Story’s first season, Tate, is back. He returned full force as Kit Walker, a man who was abducted by aliens, violated and left on earth to take the blame as a crazy, women-murdering psychopath. Poor guy.

It’s OK though. He’s making plans to escape and forming alliances with certain cast members. We’ll see if teamwork gets him out alive or ends up being his downfall.

Chad Warwick, Season One’s unhappy and untrusting gay fellow is back as Dr. Oliver Thredson. So far, Thredson is a tad more logical than the Briarcliff Manor staff. He focuses on behavioral psychology rather than the medieval tactics of Sister Jude. Because of this, he and Sister Jude are already butting heads.

Remember that creepy medium lady from Episode One that helped Constance in Season One? Well, she’s back as a lesbian journalist named Lana Winters with a thirst for knowledge.

After snooping around Briarcliff to research for a feature story on the place, Sister Jude captures her and enrolls her as a psychiatric patient. We’ll see if her story ever gets written or if she’ll become insane like the rest of the patients.

Nora Montgomery, the annoying ghost that always whined about getting her baby back, is a part of the second season's cast. She now has the roll of Sister Mary Eunice (what a name). The nun is Sister Jude’s right hand. She’s a sweet, innocent and naïve young woman. Her naivety has already landed her in a slew of trouble.

We’ll see what happens as the season continues. Blood, sex and indescribable horrors await the show's devoted audience.

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