For almost a year, my brother has indirectly suggested hip-hop acts I should check out by infiltrating my iTunes with mixtapes and singles. (He uses it to sync stuff onto his iPod). Among his collection were mixtapes by the Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All collective – OFWGKTA, for short.
Not only am I drawn to the overall talent this Los Angeles-based group possesses, but I’m also in jitters over their encouragement of stage dives, mosh pits and sing-alongs at their live shows (which sell out fast), the occult-based aesthetics, heavy incorporation of skate culture, and their internet-driven climb to fame and success. Their recently-signed Tyler, The Creator has also expressed his love for Justin Bieber and R. Kelly. Basically, they’re up my alley and the Fallon performance of “Sandwitches” made me love them even more.
I stumbled upon this website last summer, when for some reason I was under this spell of listening to nothing but dance music. acts as a quick fix whenever I feel that my need for beats have run low, as well as a solution to discovering something new! Here I discovered gems like Dave Nada’s remix to Wacka Flocka’s “No Hands,” Deathface’s “Gift of Fury” single, and a very beautiful, ‘60s girl group-inspired “I Heard You Say” single by Vivian Girls. So on that note, the free music downloading site expands outside of dance. They just know what’s sweet.

Part of me wants to survive on Nature Valley granola bars and spend mad money on this 4-day fest I’d like to call heaven, but part of me knows I currently don’t have the funds to support a trip to Texas – let alone a predicted expensive ticket price. Lovers of hardcore, like myself, peed themselves five ways when Youth of Today were among the announced headliners. Japanophiles rejoiced when a smorgasboard of Japanese bands were added to the bill, which includes Kriegshög, who are playing their last show in Texas. This is just scratching the surface of the fest’s monstrosity.
4. Music tracks in skate videos
Seven years ago, I rolled my ankle skating and quit the following day. Three days ago, when it got really warm, I picked up my brother’s skateboard to turn in my retirement card and traversed the Athens bike path. I also went on Youtube to revisit all of the old skate videos I used to obsessively watch. Skate videos are great sources for broadening your music taste, especially if you like your music to be morose, fast, or just plain punk. I’ve gotten into bands like The Locust, The Cure, and The Buzzcocks thanks to videos like “Kids in Emerica” and Girl’s “Yeah Right!” They also make me want to shred and create art.
5. Screamo’s Face #1 Pg. 99 reunites for a summer show!
Robotic Empire records announced that Pg.99 has reunited to play one show at Virginia’s Best Friend's Day fest, and when that news permeated I swear I could hear the tears shed and some hairs parting asymmetrically. The band disbanded in 2003 and have chosen the Richmond, Va., fest – where the band is from – to play Pg. 99’s “Document #8” album in its entirety because, according to their guitarist, they feel it “would be fun to play those songs again.” Uh, of course, especially to an audience that will be insanely jubilant.
--Rika Nurrahmah, General Manager
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